Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadan? More like Ramadumb...

So today is the First day of Ramadan, a Muslim holiday in which they fast and refrain from sex from dawn to dusk (sorry Ahmed no afternoon delight for you). They also ask for forgiveness of their sins and try to do good deeds. Here in the Middle East there are quite a few of these little Muslim fellas running around. So since we are American Christians, we kowtow to their ways and have to not eat, drink, smoke or not do anything that might upset these chaps. God forbid we offend someone by not practicing their religious faith that is direct contradiction with our own. You know what offends me? The fact that they do not celebrate Christmas or Easter with all us fine Christians being here helping these people. Why is it that WE must give into them? If we want the world to truly be peaceful and tolerant of each other shouldn't THEY give in and follow our religious wishes?
    I know what some of you are going to say.. "When in Rome...". Well guess what? I'm not in fucking Rome. I'm in hot ass Kuwait, helping people who were ruled by a ruthless god damn dictator until we came along and gave them civil rights. Why should I work so hard to make them all happy while I am here, when they refuse to assimilate to our culture when they come to America? If one of these guys sees me drinking water outside during the day cause it's hotter than Satan's ball bag, he should be smart enough to realize that I'm not a Muslim, so I'm not gonna do that fasting bullshit. Just like on Ash Wednesday I don't expect him to have Ash on his head or with me a hearty "Merry Christmas."
   In conclusion, I feel that if peace on earth and good will towards man is to be accomplished we should just let people practice whatever faith they want and not be judged by fallible man here on earth, but by the one true God. I also think it's a good idea because I know being a Christian and loving Jesus is right, and all those other heathens better get on board......."But that's intolerant" you might say, or "Who are you to say that". Well that would bring me to my next point.

FAITH...Not only is it a catchy tune by George Michael but it is what I have. I have faith in my religion and it's doctrine. That is why I can say 100% that Non-Christians go to hell. It's not hateful or judgemental, it's just what I believe. If that offends you than I'm certainly not sorry. In fact I am offended that you are offended at my belief. Who are you to say I am wrong? I can say you are not tolerant of MY belief, and isn't that what you want from me, tolerance? I hate how the people who want everyone else to be tolerant to all other peoples views refuse to be tolerant of  peoples views that differ from theirs.
   In summation, this is my longest post yet. I apologize for it's length, but not it's contents. I will try and keep things a little lighter and shorter. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go eat this tasty cheeseburger and drink 15 Gatorades outside....

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